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Publié le : 16/01/2023 16 janvier janv. 01 2023

Deadline for amending and bringing into conformity the statutes of your non-profit organisation, foundation or company

Non-profit organisations, companies and foundations created before May 1, 2019, must bring their statutes into compliance with the provisions of the Companies and Associations Code ("CCA") by January 1, 2024. 

Indeed, entities created as from 1st May 2019 would obviously fall under the aegis of the CCA, which implies that, in principle, their statutes would be in line with the law.

This legal requirement regarding the alignment of the statutes of entities created before May 1, 2019, is indeed not trivial, since the law provides that the members of the board of directors shall be held personally and jointly liable for any damage suffered by the nonprofit, foundation or company, or by third parties, as a result of non-compliance with this obligation. 

Caution is therefore required!

This is particularly true since, as of January 1, 2020, statutory provisions that are contrary to the mandatory requirements established by the CCA are deemed to be "unwritten". For the sake of statutory predictability, it was obviously desirable to review and amend the statutes as of that time. 

It should further be recalled that since the general meeting is competent to amend the statutes, the board must convene the members to the GM before the latter takes place. The agenda and the proposed amendments must be formally indicated in the notice of meeting. 

These requirements therefore necessitate a relatively early start in order to complete the process of statutory amendments in a timely manner. 


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